Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Feeling Good

I think the fat lady sang and hell froze over because today, I’m feeling good!  This morning as I rushed to get in the shower before CC woke up, I felt as light as air and fully awake.  Two things I rarely feel as I pull myself out of bed or any other time of the day for that matter.  I’m standing a little taller, wearing a cute new outfit, and…wait for it….put on lipstick (GASP)!  CC and I were out of the house on time for once and I made it to work only 10 mins late, which is a record these days.  I’m hoping these positive vibes running through me are here to stay or at the very least, close enough that I can get a jolt when I need it. 

Here's a couple cute pictures of CC helping her mama...what a girl!! 

1 comment:

  1. I need to sign up for emails for when you update because I always miss your posts! CC is so adorable in those shoveling pictures! Big hugs. I'm glad things are moving in the right direction for you.
