Thursday, March 28, 2013

New Adventures

While I dream of spring like weather and long runs outside, I can’t help but smile at the healing that is taking place within my life.  It’s only been a week since we left our old life behind and we are doing better than expected amidst the challenges.  CC loves her new, albeit small home.  Our mornings aren’t as smooth because it’s impossible to restrict her from the bathroom while I’m in the shower and our evenings are more dramatic since there’s no great room and I’m usually cooking when she’d prefer me in another room with her.  Her sleep had been better than expected but now we’ve regressed and started our last three days at little after midnight.   But I’m not complaining (yet) because it feels good to be starting over.  I’m actually starting to think that all those moves I’ve made in my life are because I needed to hit that reset button.   And I never needed that more than now!!

We had a wonderful first weekend in our new town eating breakfast with the Easter Bunny and filling our basket up with eggs, followed up with a long walk on a beautiful day and a tea party in our backyard.  Monday morning began with a trip to Mommy’s work for a meeting and then a brand new school for CC.  I had always been surprised that I didn’t cry the first time I dropped CC off at daycare when she was 12 weeks old.  Well I definitely made up for that this week.  Monday morning was not easy as I watched the confusion cross over her face with her eyes big as saucers and her plump bottom lip trembling.  My heart didn’t stop aching until the daycare called to tell me she was playing and having a great time.  Thank goodness kids are resilient because if she would have shown a single fight, I would have probably caved and figured out a way to take her back to her old school.  Don’t judge me, I’m a push over when it comes to my baby girl.  J  The best part of CC’s new school is that it’s close to my work so I get to enjoy her company during my commute.  We sing songs, talk about what’s outside, and blow lots of kisses to each other.  It's an awesome addition to our day!!

My biggest hope is to teach CC the life lessons I’ve learned so that she can look back on her life, just as I have, and be grateful and proud, like I am everyday!


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